We are the exclusive DIGIGRAM distributor for the Americas.

Having a GUEST on the air.
As easy as a phone call.

  • Broadcast Audio Quality. Perfectly Secure.
  • Fully mobile – even works on Smartphones.
  • Designed for REMI Production Workflows
  • Connects to any 3rd-party CODEC.

Listen to the Difference

See a sound comparison for a teacher/student online session.

On scale of 1 to 10, audio quality is an 11.
It’s absolutely paramount … That’s what you lose on a Zoom call.
IQOYA changes all that – the sound is pristine.

Thomas Kikta – Chair of Commercial Music, Media and Jazz / Duquesne University in Pittsburgh

High Quality audio for remote learning & music auditions during COVID-19 distancing.

Duquesne University´s Mary Pappert School of Music in Pittsburgh realized next level online
lessons, lectures and auditions with Digigram´s professional CODEC technology.

Download Case Study (PDF – 1 MB)

A fully web-based CODEC.

Designed as a bidirectional high-quality audio solution, to connect remote broadcasters to the main studio or a podcast. Perfect for Remote Integration (REMI) production workflows.


Just send a link to your field reporters.


Send a Link

Send the GUEST links to your field reporters.


Click the Link

On the remote location reporters just click the link to open IQOYA GUEST link in their web browser.


Start your connection

Enjoy a high quality, high reliable 2-way audio connection.


No installation

No app needed, communications through a web browser using a web codec


Sheer sound, stress free

Radio & Podcast guests: loud and clear


SIP-friendly and full-compatibility

Connects to any SIP-capable hardware codec and compatible with third-party SIP infrastructures.

Connects to any Hardware-CODEC.

IQOYA GUEST supports multi-user conferencing and works with any CODEC hardware. With the connection to professional SIP-capable hardware, highest reliability and predictable performance is ensured.

Built-in Cyber Attack Protection

No hacking, no „bombing“, no eavesdropping.


Developed for high profile Broadcast.
A game changer for professional online communication.

Business Conferences

By replacing the audio stream of ANY conferencing software with Broadcast-level sound, any online meeting, investor conference or administrative communication will benefit greatly.
Up to 64 Stereo connections!

Home Office

High quality audio, even on mobile phones, result into a low-stress and trouble-free work environment.
Uninterrupted audio, with secure, CD-quality sound can be the new normal.
The home office gets professional!

Remote Learning

Thanks to the Digigram streaming technology the quality is so amazing, even music departments of universities can perform remote teachings, auditions and full concerts. Quality lectures while distancing.
Judging every tone by its full nature.

Virtual Events

Connect with up to 64 locations. Bidirectional. In Stereo. All you need is a web browser.
Stream all online performances from remote locations with Broadcast-grade sound.
Exceptional audio, exceptional business.

Use Cases

Stay in contact. Get all the news.

See the Overview Video

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